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Professional Learning

To best support students and teachers, Yonkers provides professional learning and training opportunities through just-in-time coaching, push-in coaching, collaborative development, workshops, shared communication opportunities such as through Instructional Liaison meetings, faculty meetings, and discussion boards.

In 2013, Yonkers provided a professional learning opportunity to over 70 educators to encourage the implementation of the EngageNY curriculum. This session sparked the implementation of OER materials in a variety of schools including Cornell Academy. Since this time, educators have started to integrate OER individually.

  • Professional Learning

    Educators – teachers and administrators – need to be able to choose the technology tools and resources most appropriate for their instructional practices to best meet the needs of students. This necessitates professional learning opportunities in content, programs and applications, as well as ongoing, sustained on-site support for teachers.

    Sustainable professional learning models, geared specifically to support teachers in student centered, digital learning environments can positively impact the teaching and learning experiences.
    SETDA GIDL Professional Learning Overview

  • “Once a teacher sees the value of an OER to support instruction, they are eager to adopt it and use the resource to engage students”

    • Lisa Perry, Director Instructional Technology and Science, Yonkers Public Schools

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