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Professional Learning

Spokane has provided over twenty hours of training and support for teachers. Teacher leaders share resources on the LMS and through on-going professional development. Spokane utilizes the train the trainer model for professional learning. Spokane provides professional development for their teachers through the Teaching and Learning Summer Institute. Last year, Spokane conducted five sessions for one hour each for trainers and four sessions for two hours each for teachers.

Spokane offered training to surrounding districts on the implementation and delivery of the K-8 OER curriculum, as well as shared their processes and insights with other regional districts and states, including Alaska. Spokane also partnered with other participating districts to develop newsletters and videos to explain how to effectively use the OER math curriculum, homework, and supporting materials including interactive whiteboard support resources.

  • Professional Learning

    Educators – teachers and administrators – need to be able to choose the technology tools and resources most appropriate for their instructional practices to best meet the needs of students. This necessitates professional learning opportunities in content, programs and applications, as well as ongoing, sustained on-site support for teachers. Sustainable professional learning models, geared specifically to support teachers in student centered, digital learning environments can positively impact the teaching and learning experiences.
    SETDA’s Professional Learning Overview

  • Spokane has an LMS that is only accessible by administrators and teachers, and allows the teachers to access the course materials from work, as well as home.

  • “The effectiveness of professional learning is the leverage point with the greatest potential for strengthening and refining the day-to-day performance of educators.” – Learning Forward

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