Student Learning Goals

  • Review and understand the target learning standards or recommended frameworks for each content area.
  • Define the learning behaviors your district has defined as important and that instructional materials need to support it.
  • Clarify any district instructional materials goals and priorities in the target subject area.
  • Does your district focus on:
    • deeper learning?
    • self-directed learning?
    • personalized learning?

Professional Learning Goals

  • Define the teaching behaviors your district has defined as important and that instructional materials need to support.
  • Are the instructional materials supporting teachers’ abilities to personalize learning?
  • Assess the capacity to provide professional learning opportunities.
  • Do you provide professional learning strategies for implementation of digital materials?

Key Questions

  • Are you planning to select a new core curriculum for a specific content area?
  • Are you considering implementing supplemental materials to support current materials?
  • Are you implementing digital instructional materials?
    • Beyond alignment to state learning standards, what other quality criteria should be considered?
    • What should be avoided?
    • What is the catalyst to select and adopt new instructional materials?
    • Ensure that the new materials add value.
    • Is your district/school using digital instructional materials?
    • What is the technology capacity to deliver content.
      • Internet access at school
      • Wi-Fi access at school
      • Student access to devices
      • Student access to internet and devices outside of school

Use the filter box on the right to locate the resources meeting your criteria.

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