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  • Understand Where You Are

Understand Where You Are

  • Determine if your instructional materials for courses across the spectrum — from supplemental resources to core instructional material meet student needs.
  • Determine if current core instructional materials are aligned to state learning standards by using:
    • Widely recognized rubrics for the evaluation of instructional materials
    • Trusted reviews from external organizations, state agencies, or school districts,
  • Identify existing core curriculum strengths and challenges based on district/building data
    • test scores
    • classroom practice
    • student work
    • teacher reflection
  • Identify existing supplemental materials strengths and challenges based on:
    • classroom practice
    • student work
    • teacher reflection
  • Examine current content delivery methods
    • Traditional – print materials only.
    • Blended – digital and print materials,
    • Online – online classes
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