

Fifteen states have dedicated state funding for digital instructional materials and 12 states have dedicated state funding for devices. Most states report that districts also use local funds for the acquisition of digital instructional materials. A majority of states indicated that districts also collaborate with each other and partner with non-profit organizations to acquire digital tools and resources. Nineteen states report that districts within their state leverage state purchasing contracts.

North Carolina states it is the intent of the General Assembly to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital, to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources, to provide educational resources that remain current, aligned with curriculum and effective for all learners.

In South Carolina, the state legislature provides funding for core instructional materials adopted by the state. Districts and schools must use local funds for the purchase of supplemental materials.

Key Questions

  • Do you have dedicated funding for the acquisition of instructional materials?
  • Do schools have additional, discretionary funds for instructional materials?
  • What are the differences between funding core materials versus supplemental materials?
  • What are the costs for purchased digital materials?

  • North Carolina is moving from funding for textbooks towards funding for digital materials.

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