Use the filter box on the right to locate the resources meeting your criteria.
Facilitator Guide – Professional Learning
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Transformative Digital Learning: A Guide to Implementation
Transformative Digital Learning Education leaders at the federal, state, and local level have the opportunity to provide leadership to ensure that all students have personalized, engaging learning experiences. This resource provides guidance, resources …
Blended Teaching and Technology: Simple Strategies for Improved Student Learning
This guidebook offers school district leaders a collection of strategies aligned to the Future Ready Schools® framework for implementing an instructional approach supported by blended learning.
Edtech Advisor
ISTE members can access the Edtech Advisor to rate and review edtech tools and apps based on their experience using these tools in their classrooms.
High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning
With high-quality teaching and high-quality instructional materials students are more likely to learn. Establishing these conditions for all learners will help close achievement gaps. Explore High-Quality Curricula and Team-Based Professional Learning: …
Facilitator Guide – Connectivity
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Collaborative Leadership
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Homework Gap
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Digital Citizenship
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Essential Components of Digital Learning Plans
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Best Practices
This guide provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
State Wi-Fi Leadership for Fostering Digital Learning Ready K12 Schools
This paper explores the steps states are taking to address the wireless equity gaps that exist among their schools. Leaders from Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Utah outline the planning, policy, funding, and management approaches their state agencies and education technology leaders are adopting regarding Wi-Fi, and they share their recommendations for promoting and/or creating equitable access opportunities to high-quality Wi-Fi connectivity.
Facilitator Guide – Interoperability
The Facilitator Guide – Interoperability provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session
Facilitator Guide – Student Data Privacy
The Facilitator Guide – Student Data Privacy provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session
Facilitator Guide – Budget
The Facilitator Guide – Budget provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Facilitator Guide – Instructional Materials
The Faciliator Guide – Instructional Materials provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session around the selection and implementation of instructional materials.
Facilitator Guide – Procurement
The Facilitator Guide – Procurement provides education leaders with the information and resources they need to conduct a professional learning session.
Technical Assistance on Student Privacy
Technical Assistance on Student Privacy for State and Local Educational Agencies When Administering College Admissions Examinations
Navigating the New Curriculum Landscape
This paper discusses specific work states are undertaking around openly-licensed curricular resources, how states are supporting OER implementation, and what lessons can be learned.
Learner Variability is the Rule, Not the Exception
School systems that use a one-size-fits-all model continue to under-serve nearly all of their students. These schools prepare young people for an industrial world that no longer exists.
UT Instructional Materials OER Evaluation Criteria
A form for evaluating OER materials based on Content, Accessibility, and Pedagogy. Statements are arranged in rubric style allowing for efficiency in the review process, while requiring narrative information to document the statements
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State Education Leadership Interoperability
State leadership is essential for developing interoperable solutions that support the best future where data is seamlessly connected and readily available for decision makers. Many states are applying interoperability solutions to existing practices, but not yet applying interoperability solutions to transform current practices to support new learning models with seamless access to data. Learn more about SETDA’s recommendations.
State Procurement Case Studies
Developed in collaboration with state and district digital learning leaders, instructional materials directors, procurement offices and academic officers, this publication highlights state level procurement case studies that share how states have effectively established and implemented policies for the procurement of high quality instructional materials and devices.
Navigating the Digital Shift 2018
With the transformation to digital learning, more and more states are enacting policies and guidelines to support the implementation and utilization of digital instructional materials, applications and resources. This publication highlights how state policies and guidance are supporting the transformation to digital learning, specifically the policies and processes around the selection, curation, procurement and funding of digital instructional materials.
Guidelines for EdTech Impact Research
This report presents guidelines for conducting and reporting ed-tech research based on the new ESSA rules for evidence about which ed-tech products work in schoos.
Quality Content – Action Steps Combined
This resource combines all Action Steps for all 6 topics into one document.
Quality Content – Key Questions Combined All Topics
This resource combines all of the Key Questions from all topics into one document.
Quality Materials Topics and Subtopics
This table provides an overview of all of the topics and subtopics available on SETDA’s Quality Instructional Materials for Learning site.
Quality Materials Resource Overview
This presentation provides an overview of SETDA’s Guide to Quality Instructional Materials and my be customized based on users needs.
Broadband Imperative II: Equitable Access for Learning
This SETDA report advocates for increasing robust broadband access both in and out of school to best prepare all students for college and careers. Recommendations include: Increase Infrastructure to Support Student-Centered Learning, Design Infrastruct …
Ensuring the Quality of Digital Content for Learning
This position paper complements SETDA’s prior digital transition policy briefs by examining strategies for ensuring digital content quality, including exploration of the speci c quality-control challenges and opportunities associated with open educatio …
Family Support Toolkit Library – Louisiana
Resources for parents to understand the LEAP assessment results and report cards and how those results will be used to make adjustments to instruction to meet individual student needs this school year. The list of questions is not exhaustive, but refle …
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National Ed Tech Plan
The National Education Technology Plan provides a vision of transformational learning experiences powered by technology.
TEC Data Platform
TEC Data Platform is an online library of edtech market pricing data specifically developed for school districts. TEC worked with Lea(R)n, using LearnPlatform as the unified edtech management ecosystem that allows for the collection and analysis of dis …
Creating a Coherent System to Support Instruction Aligned with State Standards
This report presents findings on when state departments of education work to align instruction with standards, it may make a difference for teachers’ practices and understanding about their state standards. Highlights Louisiana Department of Education
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Quality Content for Learning Resources
AAP provides a checklist and quality assurance process for the selection of instructional materials.
Choosing Quality Classroom Materials for K-12
AAP and SIIA produced this document to help states, districts and individual schools ensure that teachers and students have access to a wide range of high-quality instructional materials.
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Smarter Balanced provides resources to support student learning and offers interim tests and summative tests to measure student achievement and growth in English and math in grades 3–8 and high school.
Total Cost of Ownership for Google Apps for Education
This blog post considers the total cost of ownership of Google Apps for education to Windows software and includes some tips and lessons learned. January 2016
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K-12 Total Cost of Ownership Case Studies
CoSN’s case studies examine four school districts of varying sizes and settings from California, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Utah. Users can also request access to the TCO tool to determine their own district’s data.
Maximizing ESSA Formula Funds for Students: State Readiness Self-Assessment
The self-assessment tool is designed to help states analyze their policies and practices in three areas: 1. State spending policies over federal funds, 2. Application, planning, and budgeting alignment to state priorities and local needs, and 3. Paperw …
Selecting Digital Education Content
North Carolina provides educators with background information and recommendations to inform their selection of digital content.
NC – Recommendations for Revising the Textbook Adoption Process
North Carolina offers recommendations for modernizing the state’s textbook adoption process. These recommendations are aligned with the state Digital Learning Plan.
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NC – Proposal for a State Level Plan for Longer Term Funding of Digital Learning
North Carolina identifies sustainable funding sources for states and districts as they convert to statewide digital learning.
North Carolina Digital Learning Plan – Funding and Policy
North Carolina makes recommendations for funding and policy as the state shifts to digital learning.
AEM Best Practices
National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) issues best practices for publishers and software developers.
CCSSO Criteria for Procuring and Evaluating High Quality Assessments
The CCSSO Criteria for Procuring and Evaluating High-Quality Assessments provides criteria for states to consider as they purchase, develop, and evaluate high-quality state summative assessments aligned to college- and career-readiness standards.
Materials Alignment Toolkit
Achieve, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS), and Student Achievement Partners have developed this Materials Alignment Toolkit for evaluating the alignment of instructional and assessment materia …
Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET)
IMET is a tool for evaluating textbooks for alignment to the shifts and major features of the Common Core State Standards. It is used with ELA/literacy materials for grades K-2 or 3-12 and for mathematics materials K-8 or high school.
Your Guide to Building a More Accessible Classroom
Learn how to build a more accessible classroom with a few simple best practices.
Build Accessible Coursework
Learn how to improve the accessibility of the content you create for your students.
Washington State OER Grant Awards
Five school districts in Washington state were awarded a total of $90,000 in Open Educational Resources (OER) grants. The awards will help support district adaptation and implementation of openly licensed educational material aligned with state standards. All content created or modified with Washington OER grant funds will be openly licensed and available to everyone.
Spokane Public Schools Approved Materials
Spokane Public School’s list of approved middle school textbook/materials.
Washington State: Helpful Resources for Using OER
These resources can be used by school districts and teachers interested in implementing OER and communicating with stakeholders in their educational communities.
Washington State Digital Library
Find reviews of the library of OER resources compiled in Washington state.
Free Textbook Project
This is a powerpoint presentation about OER in Utah by Tracy Poulsen from Spanish Fork High School
Standards for Professional Learning Resources
Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness for all students requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources for educator learning. The Learning Forward Standards are general standards for professional learning across K12 that highlight the importance of sustainable, ongoing, job-embedded professional learning opportunities.
K-12 OER Collaborative
The K-12 OER Collaborative creates high-quality, comprehensive OER resources to support K-12 mathematics and English language arts. The K-12 Collaborative includes 12 states and several supporting organizations, including Learning Accelerator, CCSSO, Achieve, SETDA, and iNACOL.
CK-12 Foundation
The CK-12 Foundation was created to produce free and open source K-12 materials aligned to state standards. All textbooks—called “flexbooks”— available through CK-12 are free, available online, and customizable.
Utah Education Network – OER
Utah has geared up to begin providing teachers, students, and parents with materials to support the Utah Core Standards, instruction, and teaching. Created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and USOE staff.
Utah Open Textbook Project
The Utah Open Textbook project is examining the deeper learning and cost savings that can be achieved when open textbooks replace traditional, expensive textbooks in public high school science classrooms.
Utah’s Recommended Instructional Material Searchable Database
Utah provides a recommended, searchable database for instructional materials
OER and Collaborative Content Development
This report provides educational leaders with a guide describing the benefits of OER, a framework for planning, and strategies for successful collaborative content development.
Achieve’s OER Rubrics and Evaluation Tool
Achieve, in collaboration with leaders from the OER community, developed eight rubrics to evaluate the quality of instructional resources. Achieve also partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool. OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. Resources rated on OER Commons create a pool of metadata, and this metadata will be shared through the Learning Registry with other interested repositories.
EngageNY Math Module
EngageNY math module for grade 3 and covers properties of multiplication and division and solving problems.
New York’s Virtual Advanced Placement (VAP)
New York’s Virtual Advanced Placement (VAP) program assists in the development of open courseware for Advanced Placement classes focusing on at-risk and economically disadvantaged and at-risk students.
EdReports Reviews
EdReports is an independent nonprofit that publishes free reviews of instructional materials, using an educator-designed tool that measures alignment, usability, and other quality criteria.
SPARC is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to create a more open system of scholarly communication.
Letter to President Obama Calling for OER Policy Commitment
In August 2015, a broad coalition of more than 90 organizations representing the education, library, technology, public interest and legal communities released a letter calling on President Obama to open up educational materials created with federal taxpayer funds.
Creating Accessible OERs
As more and more postsecondary institutions incorporate OERs into courses and programs, identifying and following some key guiding principles can help assure—to the greatest extent possible—that a degree of due diligence regarding accessibility is routinely addressed. One way of approaching this process is to identify a list of best practice performance measures that can be used by those creating and by those reviewing OERs. Although originally designed for higher education, the best practices and resources provided on this page apply to K-12 as well.
SETDA Policy Brief – Accessibility of Digital Content
As states and districts shift from print to digital content, education leaders must proactively consider the accessibility of digital content for all students, including students with disabilities. This issue brief provides recommendations for state and district policy regarding the development, use and distribution and sharing of digital tools to improve the learning experiences of all students.
Peer-reviewed. Openly licensed. 100% free. And backed by additional learning resources. Review our OpenStax textbooks and decide if they are right for your course. Simple to adopt, free to use. We make it easy to improve student access to higher educat …
Open-Up Resources
Open-Up Resources We are committed to making high-quality, low-cost educational resources available to every student. Our products are openly licensed (CC BY), closely aligned to standards, and accessible to all students, regardless of first language o …
iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses (v2)
This report provides states, districts, online programs, and other organizations with a set of quality guidelines for: Online course content Instructional design Technology Student assessment Course management These standards are guidelines for distric …
CCSSO OER Resources for States, Districts, and Educators
This page links to many resources from CCSSO including an introduction to OER, resources for educators, and several case studies around the use of OER.
Listening to and Learning from Teachers: A Summary of Focus Groups on the Common Core and Assessments
Center on Education Policy October 2016
Teaching Higher: Educators’ Perspectives on Common Core Implementation
Center for Education Policy Research Thomas J. Kane Antoniya M. Owens William . Marinell Daniel R.C. Thal Douglas O. Staiger February 2016
Implementation of K–12 State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts and Literacy
Findings from the American Teacher Panel V. Darleen Opfer, Julia H. Kaufman, Lindsey E. Thompson
The Hidden Value of Curriculum Reform: Do States and Districts Receive the Most Bang for Their Curriculum Buck?
By Ulrich Boser, Matthew Chingos, and Chelsea Straus October 2015
Report: “Choosing Blindly: Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core”
Grover J. “Russ” Whitehurst and Matthew M. Chingos Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Report: “Don’t Forget Curriculum”
Grover J. “Russ” Whitehurst Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Brown Center Letters on Education, Brookings Institute
The Teaching Channel
The Teaching Channel is an online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.
Buy Accessible: What to look for in ebooks
Are you buying ebooks that all students can read? Not all ebooks are accessible to students with print disabilities and knowing what to look for can help your textbook procurement staff make the best decisions for all students.
Bookshare: A Benetech Initiative
Bookshare® is the world’s largest accessible online library for people with print disabilities. Bookshare serves users around the world and ensures that content is available to people with print disabilities at the same time as their peers.
Louisiana Instructional Materials Review Resources
Louisiana provides a list of resources for the instructional materials review process, including rubrics by content area.
NYSED developed and maintains EngageNY, a website with instructional materials and resources to support educators with professional learning tools and resources.
Culture Shift: Teaching in a Learner-Centered Environment Powered by Digital Learning
Alliance of Excellent Education This report examines the characteristics of learner-centered instruction and the support that educators and schools will require to make such an approach work.
Open Educational Resources: Designing for All Learners
This document has been designed to provide an overview of open educational resources (OERs) for elementary and secondary education personnel involved in the selection, acquisition, and/or use of instructional materials—general and special education tea …
OER Rubrics
Developed by the non-profit organization Achieve, these rubrics were created to evaluate open educational resources, but they can be applicable to any content.
Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN)
Open Professionals Education Network (OPEN) provides links to OER as well as guidance on how to handle licensing requirements for education-oriented digital materials.
Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Technologies and Social Media
This document was developed to help inform policymakers and educators as they develop or reconsider policies addressing new digital media in the context of improved learning.
Schools and Software: What’s now and what’s next
This study analyzes results of a survey of 30 small to medium-sized school districts, many of which are technology leaders, to determine trends in technology demand and usage, especially as it relates to software of all kinds.
Open Educational Resources (OER) Stories, Policies, and Resources
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) presents the second phase of a 2014 initiative designed to explore the state of development and dissemination of OER. In 2015, CCSSO released an update to last year’s OER report, expanding the research …
Clarifying Ownership of Teacher-Created Digital Content Empowers Educators to Personalize Education, Address Individual Student Needs
This policy brief addresses the key issue of ownership of teacher-created digital content and offers recommendations for states and districts to effectively manage the increased use of digital content.
Project Tomorrow’s Digital Content Infographic
This infographic provides statistics from Speak Up 2013 related to student and teacher use of digital instructional materials.
Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook in a Digital Age
With a focus on the ultimate impact on student learning, this report provides examples of lessons learned from recent digital and OER content initiatives by leading states and districts and offers recommendations to ensure that the shift to digital ins …
Digital Instructional Materials Acquisition Policies for States (DMAPS)
The DMAPS website is an online database providing state and territory policies and practices related to the acquisition of digital instructional materials in K-12 education. This unique tool offers the opportunity to view details regarding individual s …
The Guide to Implementing Digital Learning – Overview (printable document)
The Guide to Implementing Digital Learning (GIDL) is a free web-based resource to support school and district leaders as they work to ensure that investments in digital learning spark positive results. GIDL includes six topic areas: planning, professio …
Improving Ed-Tech Purchasing
Digital Promise This study focuses on software that teachers and students use for instruction rather than hardware or professional development services.
Learning in One-to-One Laptop Environments
A new report by Dr. Binbin Zheng at Michigan State University reviews 65 journal articles and 31 doctoral dissertations published from January 2001 to May 2015 to examine the effect of one-to-one laptop programs on teaching and learning in K–12 schools …
U.S. Department of Education Privacy Technical Assistance Center
This “one-stop” resource for education stakeholders provides information about data privacy, confidentiality and security practices related to student data.
Lesson-Sharing Sites Raise Issues of Ownership, Use
This article discusses lesson-sharing sites, key sources for common-core related PD, and the issues with ownership. “Say you’re a teacher and you’ve created a bang-up lesson on how to teach fractions on the number line. Everyone in the faculty room lov …
Creative Commons
The nonprofit organization Creative Commons (CC) addresses the legal issues of making content on the internet open so that people can use it as they wish for education, research and other purposes. The organization offers a spectrum of six intellectual …
Ensuring the Quality of Digital Content for Learning
This paper, published with Foresight Law and Policy, complements SETDA’s prior digital transition policy briefs by examining strategies for ensuring digital content quality, including exploration of the specific quality-control challenges and opportuni …
OER in Action: Implementation Case Studies
SETDA’s online OER case studies demonstrate how the policies and practices at the state level have provided the avenue for the implementation of OER materials in New York, Utah, and Washington.
Navigating the Digital Shift
This report provides details to help educate school and district administrators, policy makers and the private sector on the flexibility of state policies related to the procurement of digital instructional materials.
Resources for Using OER
These resources can be used by school districts and teachers interested in implementing OER and communicating with stakeholders in their educational communities. Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
SETDA’s Examining the Budget Implications of Digital Content
SETDA considers the budget implications of using digital content.
The Palm Initiative
The AEM Center at CAST has launched the PALM Initiative (Purchase Accessible Learning Materials) to ensure that materials used in the classroom are designed to be useable by all students. This requires adjustments in the way materials are purchased, an …
Chemistry Flexbook
Introductory chemistry text for use by students in Nebo School District general chemistry and concurrent enrollment chemistry. This book targets the Utah State Core Curriculum for chemistry with additional content.
#GoOpen District Launch Packet
The #GoOpen District Launch Packet is for districts that are including openly licensed educational resources into their curriculum.
Future Ready Self Assessment – Budget
The Future Ready Self-Assessment for Budgeting provides district leaders with a resource to evaluate their own processes and metrics for budgeting in a digital learning environment.
Total Cost of Ownership Tool
CoSN updated their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) in 2016 to help school technology leaders understand the costs associated with the computing environment.
Transformative Budgeting for Digital Learning
New Jersey presents strategies for transformative budgeting – a process by which innovations in schools are accomplished within existing budgets. The report includes models from several districts.
Why Open Resources Matter
Results from a U.S. Department of Education short video contest explaining the benefits of Open Educational Resources for teachers, students and schools everywhere.
Open Content – A Practical Guide to Using Creative Commons Licenses
This is a practical guide to using Creative Commons Licences.
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Rubrics: Align to the Common Core State Standards
Tools for evaluating the alignment of instructional and assessment materials to the Common Core State Standards.
MN Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum
The Minnesota Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum is a grassroots initiative to promote the creation of open digital curriculum. Our goal is to leverage the power of collaboration and digital resources to launch teachers and students into new lear …
OER Commons
OER Commons is a digital library and network. Users can access open education resources and join the network of educators dedicated to curriculum improvement
The State Instructional Materials Review Association focuses on the ongoing review of curriculum materials. Members collaborate and share resources to improve the review process.
Achieve Rubric
Achieve, in collaboration with leaders from the OER community, developed eight rubrics to evaluate the quality of instructional resources.